One of the problem when you're on Blogger platform is the duplicate meta content. In this post we will try to make a solution by making adynamic meta keywords and description for your Blogger blog. Meta tags are somehow important for the search engine and you're readers. Some search engine are relying on your meta content for their search results. While it impact readers when it appears on the search results with your 'meta description' coping with their search terms.
Here are the easiest way to make a dynamic meta contents for your Blogger blog.
Find this code block at the beginning of your template:
Remove this * before using this code
Replace this line of code with the code block below:
Now copy and paste this code block.
Replace these part with your blogs meta description and meta keywords.
Then save your template.
Now you can test if your meta content is dynamically changing by viewing your blog, then right click-->view page source and you must see the meta description and keywords differs when you're viewing the homepage and one of your post. Hope it works for you, cause I have implemented this for all of my blog and I must say it worth a try.