October 29, 2010

How to create a dynamic meta tags for Blogger

One of the problem when you're on Blogger platform is the duplicate meta content. In this post we will try to make a solution by making adynamic meta keywords and description for your Blogger blog. Meta tags are somehow important for the search engine and you're readers. Some search engine are relying on your meta content for their search results. While it impact readers when it appears on the search results with your 'meta description' coping with their search terms.

Here are the easiest way to make a dynamic meta contents for your Blogger blog.

Find this code block at the beginning of your template:

Remove this * before using this code
<*head><*b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>


Replace this line of code with the code block below:

Now copy and paste this code block.
<*b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'> <*title> <*meta content='Make money online by starting a blog.Free Blogger Templates, Tutorials, Tips, Tricks and add-ons
for blogs that are using the Blogger platform.' name='description'/>
*meta content='Blog, free blogger templates, tutorials, tips,
tricks, hosting, wordpress, make money online, internet marketing'
<*title> - <*/title> <*meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " by " +data:blog.title' name='Description'/>
*meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + ", " +
data:blog.title' name='Keywords'/>

Replace these part with your blogs meta description and meta keywords.

<*meta content='Make money online by starting a blog. Free BloggerTemplates, Tutorials, Tips, Tricks and add-ons for blogs that are
using the Blogger platform.' name='description'/>
*meta content='Blog, free blogger templates, tutorials, tips,
tricks, hosting, wordpress, make money online, internet marketing'

Then save your template.

Now you can test if your meta content is dynamically changing by viewing your blog, then right click-->view page source and you must see the meta description and keywords differs when you're viewing the homepage and one of your post. Hope it works for you, cause I have implemented this for all of my blog and I must say it worth a try.

Different title for every post Bloger

I know that everyone will want their blog with a high Google page rank. Why high Google page rank? The answer lies in the question itself. It is simply because "Google". Though there are various factors that will improve your page rank, one small method that will improve the page rank is proper usage of the HTML in your template.

The blogger templates are not search engine optimized that is they are not simply compatible to boost up your page rank. If you take a look at your existing Blogger title you’ll see that blogger displays the blog name first then followed by your post title. They have it backwards so let’s get your blog setup properly.

this code will add different title to every post

Follow these very simple steps and you can optimize your blog.
1. In your Blogger dashboard, go to “Layout”“Edit HTML”.
2. In the template code, do a search for the below code:

Remove this * Before using this code

<*title>maybe you will see your site title here<*/title>
It’s usually in the first 5-10 lines of code in your template.
3. Replace the above code with the following code:

      <*b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
4. Save your template and go back to your blog. Click into any individual post and look at the page title. Now, your blog is search engine optimized and within few days, you will find your page rank improved provided you keep your blog alive. To improve your traffic,
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